An independent commission to explore the potential for sustainable energy from the Severn Estuary

The final recommendations were published on 19th March 2025 to view them please click here

Severn Bridge crossing from England to Wales, at sunset.
Severn Bridge crossing from England to Wales, at sunset.

It has been known for some time that the Severn Estuary has huge potential for creating clean renewable energy. With one of the highest tidal ranges in the world, it has been estimated that it has the potential to create up to 7 per cent of the UK’s total electricity needs.

With the UK becoming the first major economy in the world to set legally binding commitments to reach net zero, local leaders, business and governments have stated a desire to have another look at the evidence to see whether there is a viable solution to harnessing this energy while protecting our area’s environment and assets.

Comprising a diverse group of experts from scientific, engineering, environmental backgrounds, this Commission will have the expertise and independence it needs to explore whether using the Severn Estuary to create sustainable power is attainable and viable.

Latest news

All the latest news and updates from the Severn Estuary Commission.

  • 19 March, 2025


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About the Commission

The Commission will have an open remit to explore a range of options, including looking at what energy technology exists, funding and financing options, how the environment can be protected, social and economic factors, and many other topics.

The Commission’s objectives are to:


Determine the potential for sustainable energy in the Severn Estuary in the context of a Western Gateway energy system and the contribution it can make to a net zero economy;


Understand the key considerations of the Severn Estuary in terms of its unique environment and importance to the Western Gateway area; and


Identify the key challenges and opportunities of developing sustainable energy in the Severn Estuary

To achieve its objectives, the Commission will engage with key stakeholders; commission research and analysis; and seek expert input, to determine a final recommendation. In delivering this, the Commission will be supported by a Secretariat and number of experts.

Severn Estuary Tidal Energy Schemes

Simplified illustrative map showing the Severn Estuary Tidal Schemes